发布时间 :2024-09-06      浏览:392


姓    名    雷津美出生年月   1991.10

民    族    畲族                          政治面貌   中共党员

祖    籍    福建省宁德市            毕业院校   中国农业大学

 电    话    15201360365           学       历   博士

邮    箱     leijm@fafu.edu.cn



(1) 2014-09 2019-06, 中国农业大学, 农药学, 博士

(2) 2010-09 2014-06, 中国农业大学, 化学, 学士


(1) 2020-08 2022-08, 厦门大学


(1) 2023-07 至 今, 糖果派对, 糖果派对, 讲师

(2) 2022-09 2023-06, 厦门大学, 化学与化工学院, 助理实验师

(3) 2019-07 2020-07, 厦门大学, 化学与化工学院, 助理实验师





  1. Jinmei Lei, Yaqi Hou, Huimeng Wang, Yi Fan, Yunmao Zhang, Baiyi Chen, Shijie Yu and Xu Hou, Carbon dioxide chemically responsive switchable gas valves with protonation-induced liquid gating self-adaptive systems, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(17): e202201109. (IF:15.336) (2022.2.13)

  2. Jinmei Lei, Yuxia Gao, Xu Hou, Zhizhi Sheng, Chenhui Zhang and Fengpei Du, A simple and effective strategy to enhance the stability and solid-liquid interfacial interaction of emulsion by the interfacial dilational rheological properties, Soft Matter, 2020, 16(24): 5650-5658. (IF: 3.679) (2020.6.28)

  3. Jinmei Lei, Yuxia Gao, Xin Zhao, Yanqiu Zhu, Chenhui Zhang, Yue Ma, Kefei Zhao and Fengpei Du, The dilational rheology and splashing behavior of ionic liquid-type imidazolium Gemini surfactant solutions: Impact of alkyl chain length, Journal of Molecular Liquids,2019, 283: 725-735. (IF:6.103) (2019.6.1)

  4. Jinmei Lei, Yuxia Gao, Yue Ma, Kefei Zhao and Fengpei Du, Improving the emulsion stability by regulation of dilational rheology properties, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 583: 123906. (IF: 4.494) (2019.12.20)

  5. Rongrong Zhang #, Jinmei Lei #, Jiadai Xu, Hexuan Fu, Yuan Jing, Baiyi Chen and Xu Hou, Bio-inspired photo-responsive liquid gating membrane, Biomimetics, 2022, 7(2): 47. (IF: 3.743) (2022.6.18)10.3390/biomimetics7020047

  6. Chong Cao, Jinmei Lei, Tian Huang and FengPei Du, Impact of ionic liquid-type imidazolium surfactant addition on dynamic properties of BSA adsorption layers at different pH, Soft Matter, 2014, 10: 8896-8904. (IF: 3.679) (2014.7.28)

  7. Chong Cao, Jinmei Lei, Lu Zhang and Fengpei Du, Equilibrium and Dynamic Interfacial Properties of Protein/IonicLiquid-Type Surfactant Solutions at the Decane/Water Interface, Langmuir, 2014, 30(46): 13744-13753. (IF: 3.843) (2014.11.28)

  8. Yigang Shen, Xin Wang, Jinmei Lei, Shuli Wang, Yaqi Hou and Xu Hou, Catalytic Confinement Effects in Nanochannels: From Biological Synthesis to Chemical Engineering, Nanoscale Advances, 2022, 4 (6): 1517-1526. (IF: 4.553) (2022.3.15)

  9. Chenhui Zhang, Xin Zhao, Jinmei Lei, Yue Ma and Fengpei Du, The wetting behavior of aqueous surfactant solutions on wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaf surfaces, Soft Matter, 2017, 13(2): 503-513. (IF: 3.679) (2017.1.14)

  10. Chenhui Zhang, Xin Zhao, Jinmei Lei, Yue Ma and Fengpei Du, Wettability of Triton X-100 on wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaf surfaces with respect to developmental changes, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica2017, 33 (9): 1846-1854. (IF: 2.245)

  11. Xin Zhao, Yanqiu Zhu, Chenhui Zhang, Jinmei Lei, Yue Ma and Fengpei Du, Positive charge pesticide nanoemulsions prepared by the phase inversion method with ionic liquids, RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 48586-48596. (IF: 3.327)

  12. Xin Zhao, Yuxia Gao, Chenhui Zhang, Yanqiu Zhu, Jinmei Lei, Yue Ma and Fengpei Du, Wettability of ionic surfactants SDS and DTAB on wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaf surfaces, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2018, 39(12): 1820-1828. (IF: 2.239

  1. Huimeng Wang, Yi Fan, Yaqi Hou, Baiyi Chen, Jinmei Lei, Xinyu Chen and Xu Hou, Host-Guest Liquid Gating Mechanism with Specific Recognition Interface Behavior for Universal Quantitative Chemical Detection, Nature Communications, 2022, 131: 1906. (IF:14.919) (2022.4.7)

  2. Shijie Yu, Yuan Jing, Yi Fan, Linghu Xiong, Huimeng Wang, Jinmei Lei, Yunmao Zhang, Jing Liu, Shuli Wang, Xinyu Chen, Hao Sun and Xu Hou, Ultrahigh efficient emulsification with drag-reducing liquid interfacial behavior, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS, 2022, 119 (29): e2206462119. (IF:12.779)(2022.4.14

  3. 基于过膜压强测试的薄膜力学强度表征方法及装置 侯旭,雷津美,樊漪 专利号:202110319895.5 2022.3.16

  4. 基于特异性气体响应的自适应性阀门系统及其制作方法 侯旭,雷津美,樊漪,王辉猛 专利申请号:202210101722.0 2022.3.24


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31972315, 甘草酸-凹凸棒土纳米复合材料调控药液在水稻叶面固-液界面相互作用的机制研究, 2020-01-01 2023-12-31, 58万元, 资助期满, 参与

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 21802166, 天然三萜组装体对液滴在固体表面润湿行为的调控研究, 2019-01-01 2021-12-31, 25万元, 结题, 参与

(3) 国家重点研发计划 农药药液对靶润湿与调控机制(研究新型助剂种类、配方等因素对药剂二次分散过程的影响;研究农药药液在靶标表面的润湿过程)结题, 参与

(4)国家自然科学基金面上项目 表面活性剂对液滴在水稻叶面润湿粘附的影响机制及调控(探究两亲分子多元混合载药体系在水稻叶片表面润湿粘附的影响规律)结题, 参与

(5)公益性行业(农业)科研专项 北方果树食心虫综合防控技术研究与示范推广(研究新型水基化农药制剂;研究靶标作物界面结构特性影响农药载药体系在靶标作物界面润湿铺展的作用机制)结题, 参与